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jam berapa sekarang???

Kamis, 19 Maret 2015

Personal Stories

My name is Lusi Dwi Anggraeni. I often called Lusi by family and my friends. I am a final year student at the University Gunadarma. Being a student at the end is not easy. Many challenges I have to face the future. Currently I'm facing a problem concerning the thesis. I wanted to graduate from college through the thesis, like other students in general. But the grade point average (GPA)/ Indeks Prestasi Kumulatif (IPK) I do not suffice the requirements requested by the Department of Management at my college. Major GPA/IPK  requested by the college to be able to obtain pure SK is at 3.25. While I only major GPA/IPK  of 3.21. So I had to submit a thesis proposal to follow the path of graduation thesis.
At first, the terms proposed by the college to follow the thesis proposal is with a minimum GPA of 3.00. So for students who GPA of less than 3.25 can still be given the opportunity to participate in the graduation thesis by using the path. In my classes, namely 4EA10, which managed to get only pure SK 1 person only. He is one of the class representatives who can directly follow automatically without having to collect thesis thesis proposal in advance. Those who want to follow the thesis proposal in my class there were only 5 people including me. Participants at least compared to other management classes.
And one day, right at the end of the month of February. Chairman of the department announced the latest news via blogger site devoted to participants thesis proposal, that the first requirement, the GPA increased to 3.25. And GPA of 3.00 is no longer valid for participants who want to follow the thesis proposal. This news really makes all the participants were very surprised thesis proposal. And it's bad news for us all participants thesis proposal. Because most participants in the thesis proposal has not reached 3.00 GPA. And automatically it becomes a burden for participants proposals. And also requires participants to improve its value by following the Independent Examination (UM). As for the Independent Examination must pay the college is not cheap in every eye. And even then we may not immediately be able to pass and change us for the better value. Must take the fight to pass on UM with costs that are not cheap. But that's one of the challenges to be faced by final year students like us.
After the bad news came, many proposals participants who wish to resign and surrender. Because of the requirements demanded by the GPA department chairman is very high and they are not able to achieve the GPA with no time limit, namely that falls on March 25, 2015. To repair the Independent Examination is not the best alternative way to be taken by the participants now. Due to change our values of D to A is very difficult, because all participants had to answer hundreds Self Exam questions with different weights and limited time. Many participants complained after the thesis proposal that the Independent Examination, because most of them mean nothing worked fix its value. So the opportunity to follow the thesis proposal is very small. But still many are willing to spend money monthly to keep abreast of the Independent Examination.
Day after day went by. And we also can not be certainty of the head of department who escaped thesis proposal. Because we still have to wait for the date SK reduction proposals on March 25. Earlier, at that time all participants who want to follow the path of the thesis or non-thesis was invited by the college to attend a seminar on thesis proposal. But in the seminar discussed about the terms of the hearing to be met, and all the information about how we follow the graduation program with thesis and non-thesis track. And in the seminar all participants were given the opportunity to ask questions and give comments on how we pass quickly through the thesis and non-thesis. But of the many questions raised by the participants to the head of the department, was on average the participants really complain about the changing requirements of the GPA to 3.25. And I see from the participants, they all would pessimistic values ​​possessed by each individual participant who has not reached 3.00. However, the chairman of the Department of Management University Gunadarma namely Iman Murtono casually replied, "I want to see you guys who want to fight serious and want to succeed".
I wonder what's in my mind or the minds of the participants may be other proposals sentence uttered by the head of department. I think personally, it is an answer that makes me more confused to take the graduation thesis or non-thesis track. Because until now I still fail to fix the value of the Independent Examination. But this struggle final year students. I really enjoyed periods of college these days and I am always grateful for everything I've got. Path thesis or non-thesis track that was the path God has determined should I live. Because of my desire at this time is passed in a timely manner and can get the best value. See all friends in arms wearing graduation gown and can follow along with it is the dream we all whole Gunadarma University graduate student. Keep doing the best for the future !!!

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